Monday, September 27, 2010


Sunday morning, got a decent night's sleep thanks to some NyQuil. Though I did wake up in a bit of a fog and didn't have any energy to start the day. Let the dogs out for a few minutes, started the coffee, and checked the electric meter. Checking the meter every morning is part of my routine and something I've done since 4/5/10, as of today, we have given back 857kWh to the grid! Hopefully I won't go through those during the winter.

Anyway, next we went on our morning walk. It took a little more time because I an still in slow motion. Today is a big change from the past few days. Lately the temps have been solidly in the 80s, today not so much. We'll likely hit 56 as a high. Did a load of laundry and hung it out to dry. I made an egg, ham and cheese on a bagel sandwich for breakfast. The dogs and I didn't do much until 10am, I washed the weeks worth of dishes and started to clean up the house. I then took a trip to Home Depot to get a few more supplies for the side deck. Got some metal joist hangers and bought some new light bulbs to try out, maybe these won't have the delay the others have. On the way back, I stopped into Hannaford to pick up food for the week.

Got home and poured some concrete for the stair landing. Chance was soooo helpful when I used the water hose. Got that little piece poured, cleaned up and headed in to watch the Pats play. At halftime I made myself a ham and cheese sandwich. I continued to watch the game, then tried to be motivated to do something else... that pretty much failed so I watched half of another football game. I tried to watch the NFL game on Fox, but the commentators sounded like commentators for a high school game, pretty bad. At halftime of the second game, I got motivated enough to clean both bathrooms. It was the one area I really wanted to clean this weekend. I will do a full sweep of the house tomorrow.

Next I took the dogs for their evening walk, boy was it chilly. I think it was a combination of the 52 degrees, the wind, and my cold, but it was not very enjoyable. As always, the dogs were a delite. We went for a 1 mile walk instead of our normal 1.5 miles because the dogs were outside most of the day when I was. Came in, made a bowl of cereal for dinner and sat down to watch some animation domination. Fell asleep before the Simpsons were even over. Woke up, took some NyQuil and headed off to bed around 9pm.

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