Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Started my morning with a nice tall glass of OJ to help with my cold. This is how I get through all of my colds, NyQuil at night and glasses of OJ. Took the dogs out, checked the electric meter and sat down to write in the blog. I think my blog is missing something to keep it interesting, any suggestions? I know it is early in the 5 months of blog writing I committed to, but I feel I could really add something to it.

Our morning walk seemed to go well, the dogs were good and we came across Don from Merrie Sweepe. Don built our chimney and wood stove surround. He is reconstructing a chimney on Lincoln St. for a week or so. We stopped and talked for a bit, then headed home. I made myself a bowl of cereal and got ready for work. Monday's at work are always a bit interesting, everyone taking a few minutes to discuss what they did over the weekend. Stories from Dennis are always great, he can really get you laughing with things that happened to his kids. Sometimes I wonder if he is able to laugh at them while in the moment, or only in reflection. I certainly would be frustrated with a lot of it, but enjoy a good laugh about at later. Maybe that is what I need to start doing, find the enjoyable bright side of things while in the moment... I'll work on that.

Came home at lunch, threw the ball once for Reece and noticed she was limping worse today. I first noticed her limp either saturday night or sunday morning, so I tried to keep here from running and jumping all day sunday. Yeah, that's my excuse for sitting in front of the tv and watching football all day, and I'm sticking to it. I thought she looked fine this morning, but she has a real gimp now. Called the vet to make an appointment, looks like wednesday morning. I had a ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. Washed the dirty dishes and played a bit with the pups in the house doing 'stupid dog tricks'.

Went back to work, not much to elaborate on here, trying to schedule my next trip down to NC while scheduling a dog/house sitter. Looks like a dark and wet day today, the forecast is for rain and overcast skies for most of the week. May need to turn the hot water heater on, I will try to go as long as I can. I texted Maggie to see if she could watch the dogs next week, she officially moves away October 11th. Her schedule is pretty tight and probably can't watch the dogs, but we might get together tonight to hangout.

After work, came home and let the dogs out. Kept an eye on Reece, she was still limping a bit. I kept her from running around and brought them both in for dinner. Then I did the worst thing in the entire world... I hooked up Chance for a walk and left Reece at home. She had the largest puppy dog eyes in the world, wanted nothing more than to go for a walk, it broke my heart. So Chance and I took a mile ling walk by ourselves in the misty rain. Tried a different route back to escape the construction on Lincoln St. Got back to the house and watched an episode of the Daily Show online, best show ever. Then Cheryl and I talked on the google phone, looks like I need to get a webcam and headset and it would be perfect. The pups could hear Cheryl's voice, they got all excited, Reece was smiling all around the kitchen... Chance started to look around the kitchen for Cheryl, then got a worried look on his face.

After our phone call, I took both pups for a walk to the next block and back. Reece began limping more, I think walking on concrete or asphalt really irritates her paw. Came back and made some 'dinner' for myself. I sliced up some monterrey jack cheese, had a sleeve of crackers and buttered the butts of two loafs (4 slices) of bread. I know it sounds like a ridiculous dinner, but it was very tasty. I sat down and watched my tv shows, grabbing a bowl of chocolate pudding with whip cream as a desert. Maggie texted me at 9:30pm to say she wasn't going to be able to hang out today, maybe tomorrow. Went to bed, w/o any NyQuil! I am feeling a little better, so I'll try to get some sleep without it.


  1. Here's an idea. Take a picture of something interesting on your walk. NOT the dogs. Post it with. "Do you know what this is?"

  2. Let me know if you find a house/dog sitter. I will need one for next summer and would like someone to stay to take care of the cats...so I don't have to deal with their temper tantrums when I get back from vacation.

  3. Marc ~
    I am a friend of Cheryl's from the old BETF days @ Cindy's house in Barrington.
    If you dont find a dog sitter, let me know. I may know of someone who can help you.
