Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Woke up this morning with the pups, took them outside first thing, then feed them their breakfast. Sat down with some coffee and wrote in my blog. Afterwards, I had a little extra time to spend doing stupid dog tricks with the pups and hanging out in the house. Next we went for our morning 1.0 mile loop. We left a little earlier than usual, so there weren't any kids walking around yet. The dogs were great and nothing too exciting happened. Chance is spending more time picking up sticks and either eating them or trying to hide them for later.

When we got home, I made an egg & cheese breakfast sandwich with some orange juice while checking a few things online. I got cleaned up, dressed and headed out the door to work. Work started a little early for me, I had some things I really needed to get done and wanted a few extra minutes in the morning. Usually the hour between 8-9am is the toughest to get things done. People tend to stop by to just chat about their home lives, I also check in on a few people to see how there evenings were. I think it adds a personal touch to work, but must definitely be limited. I continued to work on multiple projects throughout the day. At some point, I was asked about some site drawing for the Alaska project. Two weeks ago I was told the drawings needed to be done by the end of the month... today I was told they need to be done tomorrow morning :)

At lunch I went home to be with the pups. We went outside and played ball, I made a turkey and cheese sandwich and had some veggie chips on the side. We played for 25 minutes or so. It's interesting because we got so much rain the previous two days and today won't get above freezing, so the ground is all puffy because the saturation of the soil is freezing. Anyway, afterwards I headed back to work where I continued on getting things crossed off my list of action items, hoping for the time being that new items don't get added.

After work I went home, started a fire in the wood stove, took the pups outside to play ball for 15 minutes, then brought them in for dinner. I went upstairs and did my workout routine for about an hour, took a shower and got dressed again. The dogs and I played some more outside, then we took a trip to the grocery store for some staples. It took me a few minutes to put everything away when we got home, then we went for our 1.0 mile evening walk.

It was pretty uneventful until I almost got in a fight with a runner. The dogs had just pooped, I had them in a sit-stay on the sidewalk, picked up their business and in the process of giving them their treat when a runner came up from behind and ran into the side of me. I yelled at him "Hey, watch it", he turned around and told me to watch it and kept on running. This is what troubles me about some runners. Admittedly, I was taking up most of the sidewalk, however as a runner, if I was coming up on someone (a pedestrian) I would run around them, not through them. Pedestrians have the right-of-way on the sidewalk. I am somewhat disgusted by the guys actions, what if I had been blind with a seeing eye dog? Runners, people on bikes and automobiles should always yield to pedestrians because they are moving much slower. Anyway, the rest of the walk went great, we got to walk along side a couple dogs and the pups were good (not great).

After our walk, I made myself a manicotti meal and sat down to watch some TV before bed. After my dinner, I had a bowl of chocolate pudding for desert. Around 10pm I made my way to bed.

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