Thursday, December 9, 2010


Woke up this morning with the pups, another great morning. We got up and made our way outside for a couple minutes, then I fed the dogs. Drank some coffee while blogging, nothing out of the ordinary going on. After blogging, I took a shower, got dressed and the dogs and I went for our morning 1.0 mile loop. It was a little chilly, 23F so I elected to go with the mittens instead of the gloves. Nothing too exciting happened on the walk today. When we got home I made myself a breakfast sandwich, brushed my teeth and was off to work.

Work was the same as every other day. I am getting into a routine without a lot of excitement in my day (personal and work related), so I fear my blogs are getting boring. Even Cheryl has stopped reading. So, I went through the morning at work doing my typical work related activities. Today we had a 'chow and chat' to discuss the Portal with our IT guy. Free food and a discussion of our electronic filing system, usually would have been enough for me to go. But, with only 1 hour of daylight per day that I can use for personal time, I'm not going to miss spending it with the dogs outside.

So, I went home for lunch and had a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch. The dogs and I played in the backyard for 20 minutes or so. As I left for work, I turned the heat on in the house. We will be going through a cold spell here, I'm going to try using the electric heat in the house from 1pm-6pm only. From 6pm to when I go to sleep, I will burn in the wood stove. And when I say I'm going to heat the house with the electric, I'm talking about heating it to only 60F.

After lunch I headed back to work. I continued on some outstanding tasks (let's go Alaska project) and then had a series of meeting to close out the day. I headed home, started a fire in the wood stove, took the dogs out in the yard to play, then fed them dinner. Between 5:30 and 6:30pm I did a little workout upstairs, then took a shower. Next I made myself two chicken sausages with mustard and relish for dinner. At 7:30pm, the dogs and I went out for our evening 1.0 mile loop. Again, nothing of note worthy happened. When we got back to the house, I put in my new Netflix movie and settled in on the couch. I got to bed at around 10:30pm.

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