Saturday, November 13, 2010


Friday morning, means breakfast at work! Got up, put in 2 loads of laundry during my morning routine. Had the pups out, fed them breakfast and had a cup of coffee while I tried to blog. Unfortunately, the internet wasn't working. I decided to do a power cycle on the modem and router (in the basement). As I slid the pocket door open to the basement, it rubbed on the door frame. Red lights went off in my head. The only time this happens... is when the basement is flooded. Sure enough, as I turned the corner, I saw 2" of standing water at the base of the stairs.

The culprit was the same as the last time, the damn GFCI outlet the sump is plugged into tripped. I hit the reset button and the sump came back on. That's it! That stupid outlet is getting replaced with a regular outlet. While the pump was now work, there wasn't much I could do until the water was almost out.

I went back upstairs and hung out the laundry on the line. Next we went for our morning walk, we only did the 1mile loop because I was running a little late. When we got back, I swept as much water to the sump pit as possible. By now, I have a pretty good idea where all the low spots are in the basement floor.

I went off to work. We had a staff meeting in the morning that consisted of a review of our health insurance, the 401k program and our regular staff meeting all roiled into one. We had breakfast sandwiches provided, plus Paul T. bought a shit ton of donuts on his way in. After 10 minutes into the health insurance meeting, I wanted out! Health insurance is going up, being where I work, all the blame (and many side conversations that extended the meeting) was on Obama. Man, this it tiring to hear. Let me get this straight, our insurance has been going up annually 11% for the past 3 years, and this year all the blame is on Obamacare? People, start thinking for yourselves and not what Fox News tells you. Do you think the insurance company is in the business of saving lives, or making money? After the 10th comment about how the democrats are doing nothing but taxing us with all these new rules, I got up and left. If you complain about taxes here in NH, try moving somewhere with less taxes. Oh yeah, say hi to Sarah Palin while there because the only state with less taxes than NH... Alaska, dress warm.

Anyway, I got back to my work instead of listening to everyone bitch about Obama. Sorry, but the choices I make in my life have more barring on my life than all the politicians. I rushed through getting work done before lunch time. By this time, I needed a break. I went home and went for a nice 3 mile run to clear my head. This is the last run I will do before sunday's half marathon. I got home and played with the dogs in the backyard while cooling off. It was such a beautiful day, I didn't want to go back to work. Sunny and 62F... perfect. On the way back to work, I got to use my sunroof for the first time it was so nice.

There was a lunch & learn at work, so when I got back, there were 8 pizzas still not touched. I grabbed a couple slices and headed back to my cube. The rest of the day was the same, getting work completed before the weekend. At 4:40pm, I went downstairs and noticed there were still 5 full pizzas sitting in the kitchen. I grabbed a whole pizza when Paul T. came in and said 'you can't do that". I did not realize Paul is now the pizza police too. Let me get this straight, 20 minutes until the office closes, there a 5 pizzas that have been sitting there since lunch... what will happen to them if I don't take 1? It will get thrown out. I wasn't taking them all. By the way, as I left as one of the last, there were still 2 pizzas still sitting there that hadn't claimed.

I got home and started a fire in the wood stove. Took the pups outside while I took the laundry off the line and into the dryer. I came back out and played ball in the dark for 10 minutes. We went in and I fed them dinner while I went into the basement to start round 2 of cleanup. I shop vac'd the floor and got almost all the water out. I then reset the internet a forth time, and finally I had it back. I instant messaged Cheryl for a few minutes, then brought the dogs back out for some more play time.

At 7pm, I took the dogs out for our evening walk (1 mile loop). Nothing too exciting happened. I heated up 3 slices of pizza for dinner and had a beer. I watched the rest of the Netflix movie that I started on wednesday, then a little TV. Finally made it to bed around 10pm. Pardon my ranting today, I had a rough day and needed to vent a bit. Have a great weekend everyone!

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